Our high quality and perfect fit Dual turntable TK-24 holder plus a great Audio Technica AT-VM95E cartridge pre-mounted and aligned!
Our superior TK-24/AT-VM95E combo features spring loaded, gold plated contact pins, silver coated multi-strand wires, premium alloy split round cartridge tags and the highest quality silver based solder connections. This also features a top rated Audio Technica cartridge with an elliptical cut diamond styles, making it the perfect cartridge match for many Dual 1200 series tonearms.
AT-VM95E specs:
Frequency Response 20-22,000 Hz
Channel Separation >20 dB at 1 kHz
Tracking Force Range 1.8-2.2 grams
2.0 grams (20 mN) recommended tracking force
Recommended Load Impedance 47,000 ohms
Output 3.2 mV (1 kHz, 5 cm/sec)
Channel Balance within 2.0 dB
Stylus Type 0.3 x 0.7 mil elliptical diamond stylus
Cantilever Aluminum pipe
Mount Half-inch AT-VMN95
If you don't see your model listed, send us a note! We'll be happy to let you know if our cartridge holder will fit your Dual model.
Your vintage turntable is precious to you, so take care of it with quality replacement parts created by genuine turntable experts. If you have any question with regards to maintaining your Dual turntable in top condition feel free to contact us. As longtime trusted and respected Dual turntable service and repair experts we'll be glad to help. That's something we guarantee other sellers can't do for you.