Technics Turntable Single Play Aluminum Spindle
Will fit a variety of Technics models such as the SL-1350, SL-1360, SL-1650, SL-1950, SL-3350, SL-5350, SL-B5, SL-D5, SL-235, SL-B500, SL-D5

Technics Turntable Single Play Spindle
Made of a strong, flexible polymer with a smooth finish. The dimensions are accurate and it fits well on many Technics models. Please inquir

Dual Turntable Spindle Models 1254 - 1258, 1264, 1268
Made from a strong, flexible copolymer with a smooth finish.

Dual Turntable Single Play Spindle
Accurate dimensions and fits many Dual models.